Monday, November 25, 2013

Bubble Bath

Nothing beats a warm bath after a long week.
(Nov. 24, 2013)

Mini Top Chef

Since I love to eat, it is about time that I learned to cook. And who is the best chef to teach me? Dad! He told the most important rule when you cook is to season your food. It's cooking 101.
(Nov. 23, 2013)

Hair Stylist

I have been working all summer to grow out my hair. Pretty soon I am going to need a haircut.
(Nov. 22, 2013)

Thanksgiving Card

I made this holiday card with my own two hands, unlike one of my previous cards which was mostly feet.
(Nov. 21, 2013)

Bundle Me

Now that there is a winter chill in the air, I needed to get a new Bundle Me for my stroller. The one I used last year is way too small.
(Nov. 20, 2013)

Key to Success

The key to success is having a nicely organized key drawer. Or you can just spread them out on the floor.
(Nov. 19, 2013)

Leaves of Change

I love playing the piles of autumn leaves.
(Nov. 18, 2013)


I am ready for kickoff and for my Bears to beat the Ravens. Go Bears!
(Nov. 17, 2013)

The Meat Man

I visited the Meat Man to grab some cold cuts for my sandwiches this week. Smoked turkey is my favorite but that bacon sure looks good.
(Nov. 16, 2013)

Fever Relief

I haven't had a fever in more than six months, but this time it wasn't because of the shots. I don't have time to be sick.
(Nov. 15, 2013)

Daily Checklist

Lunch? Check. Shoes? Check. Jacket? Check. It looks like I am ready to go have some fun for the day.
(Nov. 14, 2013)


There are no free rides around this house. Since I love to sort the plastic bag drawer, they now have me separating the dirty laundry.
(Nov. 13, 2013)

Stamp of Approval

I have a lot of thank you cards to write for all of the nice gifts I received for my birthday. But the cards aren't going anywhere without one of these.
(Nov. 12, 2013)


I love to play with my ball, but not when Mom has the camera on me.
(Nov. 11, 2013)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Babies Who Brunch

It was so much fun that we were finally able to get the whole gang together for Sunday brunch. 
(Nov. 10, 2013)

Saturday Story Time

I try to hit a couple of different story times throughout the week. It is safe to say that even at this age I am a story time connoisseur. 
(Nov. 9, 2013) 

Banana Rama

My favorite way to eat a banana is right out of the peel. 
(Nov. 8, 2013)

Make That A Triple

In just over a year, I have nearly tripled my weight. I had better take it a little slower this year.
(Nov. 7, 2013)


Sometimes all we need is just a little patience, which is something I need to work on a little bit. 
(Nov. 6, 2013)

Bongo Baby

Now that I have my very own piano and a bongo, I am going to start a one-man band. Any ideas for my band name?
(Nov. 5, 2013)


I got this very soft giraffe chair from Auntie Brynn for my birthday. I am always on the move so I'll need to practice sitting still in order to really enjoy it 
(Nov. 4, 2013) 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Standing Tall

I am not sure why I needed to put the dogs' leash in my mouth, but that is all I am hanging on to at the moment. Any day now and I will find the courage to put one foot in front of the other. 
(Nov. 3, 2013)

Birthday Girl

It was so much fun celebrating my birthday with my friends and family. But being the center of attention made me a little nervous.
(Nov. 2, 2013)

The Piano Woman

I got this pretty nifty little piano from Mom and Dad for my birthday. I'll be banging out songs in no time. 
(Nov. 1, 2013)

A Year of Tricks and Treats

Wow! I can't believe how this year has flown by. It seems like we just started this great adventure yesterday. I would like to extend a special "thank you" to all of the wonderful people I have met throughout the year.
Each of you hold a special place in my heart.
Happy Halloween!
(Oct. 31, 2013)

Jack 'o Lantern

 Carving a pumpkin is a lot of work but it sure is fun! (Oct. 30, 2013)

Friday, November 1, 2013


I already have my costume, but I wanted to make sure the dogs had something to wear. Bubbles is going as a t-rex and Mickey will be a pumpkin. I am worried I won't recognize them. 
(Oct. 29, 2013)

Camera Accoutrement

Mom and Dad have been taking so many photos that they had to take one of them in to be repaired. I wonder if there is anything else we need while we are here?
(Oct. 28, 2013)

Sunday Funday

Beautiful weather. Mom. Dad. Dogs. Park. 
What more could a girl ask for?
(Oct. 27, 2013)

Mini Player Piano

I am not quite sure what this thing is, but I sure do like the sound it makes. 
(Oct. 26, 2013)

Quenching My Thirst

My thirst never lasts long now that I can control the water glass
(Oct. 25, 2013)