Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Candle Light Dinner

With my early dinning schedule, I can frequently get an entire restaurant to myself. And as long as they keep the bread coming, I am a happy epicurean.
(Dec. 23, 2013)

Over the River and Through the Woods

To GrandVal's house we go.
The dogs know the way as we spend the day
Trying to avoid the snow. Oh!
(Dec. 22, 2013)

Jingle Bell Jams

Instead of reading stories today, we jammed out to several Christmas carols at the library. What a great way to get into the Christmas spirit!
 (Dec. 21, 2013)

Christmas Cards

It took a couple of hours but I finally got my Christmas cards in the mail. After trying to stage a photo for two years in a row, I think I will stick with candid photos for next year's card.
(Dec. 20, 2013)

Ornamental Arts and Crafts

I decorated several tree ornaments to give away this Christmas. They are not quite museum quality but it is the thought that counts, right? 
(Dec. 19, 2013)

Purple Hat

Cousin Nita made me this great hat for Christmas. She loves the color purple but maybe next time I can talk her into making one that is crimson and blue. (Hint, hint! :)
(Dec. 18, 2013)

A Disturbance in the Force

Mom and Dad left early this morning and came back with these pictures. For some reason I have this feeling that things around here are going to change. I sense a disturbance in the Force.
(Dec. 17, 2013)

Bonkers for Balloons

 The experts say that balloons are one of the most dangerous toys for children. If I can't read the warnings, does that mean it still applies to me? 
(Dec. 16, 2013)

My Darling Clementine

And all this time I thought that peaches were my favorite food. Instead of Georgia, they should have named me Clementine.
 (Dec. 15, 2013)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Krazy for Koozies

Who were they kidding? It was only a matter of time until I found the koozie drawer.
(Dec. 14, 2013)

Laundry Chuteless

We don't have a laundry chute, so when their are stinky towels in the kitchen Mom will put them by the basement door to be washed. I love to play in those dirty piles.
(Dec. 13, 2013)

Not Cheap Sunglasses

Mom should know better than to her sunglasses on the coffee table.
(Dec. 12, 2013)

Feliz Tortilla Coast

I haven't been to T-Coast for awhile, so it felt good to belly up to the bar for some chips and queso.
(Dec. 11, 2013)

Snow Day Snacks

How do you finish off the first snow day of the season? With brownies, of course!
(Dec. 10, 2013)

The Wheels on the Bus

I am getting pretty good at putting all of the people into the school bus.
(Dec. 9, 2013)

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Chili Pot Pies

With the snow on the way, what is the best thing to make during a snow storm? Chili pot pies with Fritos!
(Dec. 8, 2013)

North Pole Meltdown

I had a great time with Santa last year. But even with Dad playing Santa this year, he scared the holiday cheer right out of me. Better luck next year!
(Dec. 7, 2013)

Gnawing Naps

I  usually don't go right to sleep at naptime. And over the past few weeks, I don't like being left alone while I sleep. So how do I get you stay in my room and pay attention to me? I start gnawing on the bed, of course! (Dec. 6, 2013)

Blueberry Snacks Forever

I don't care if blueberries are out of season in December. If the store sells them, I will eat them.
(Dec. 5, 2013)

A Word of Advice

I made a new friend today. We almost have the exact same birthday except that she is 364 days younger I am.  I told her about all of the fun things she can expect to do in just her first year. 
(Dec. 4, 2013)

Basket Baby

This basket isn't a toy. But sometimes that doesn't stop me.
(Dec. 3, 2013)

The Gloves Go On

Mom got me a new pair of gloves but I just can't stand to wear them. We better have a warm winter or else I am going to be in trouble.
(Dec. 2, 2013)

Tale of My Tail

I love my footed pajamas but none of them fit me correctly because I have a very long torso and short legs. So Mom takes a rubber band to hike up my PJs. I look silly but it actually works.
(Dec. 1, 2013)

Bedside Manner

Daddy got really sick on the way home from Thanksgiving. I wonder if I should bring him some chicken noodle soup so he will feel better?
(Nov. 30, 2013)

The Tin Man

Cousin Helen gave me this great set of hand puppets from the Wizard of Oz for my birthday. What a fantastic way to stay entertained on the flight back to D.C.
(Nov. 29, 2013)


I am thankful for spending Thanksgiving with Cousin Helen again, and playing with all the fun toys at Grandma and Grandpa Vz's house.
(Nov. 28, 2013)

What Begins With P?

Playing phone and pretty princesses on a pirate ship.
(Nov. 27, 2013)

Safety Check

I wonder where can I find one of those floatation devices?
(Nov. 26, 2013)

Bundle Up

It didn't get out of the 30s today so I needed my full winter outfit on in order to go out and play.  
(Nov. 25, 2013)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Bubble Bath

Nothing beats a warm bath after a long week.
(Nov. 24, 2013)

Mini Top Chef

Since I love to eat, it is about time that I learned to cook. And who is the best chef to teach me? Dad! He told the most important rule when you cook is to season your food. It's cooking 101.
(Nov. 23, 2013)

Hair Stylist

I have been working all summer to grow out my hair. Pretty soon I am going to need a haircut.
(Nov. 22, 2013)

Thanksgiving Card

I made this holiday card with my own two hands, unlike one of my previous cards which was mostly feet.
(Nov. 21, 2013)

Bundle Me

Now that there is a winter chill in the air, I needed to get a new Bundle Me for my stroller. The one I used last year is way too small.
(Nov. 20, 2013)

Key to Success

The key to success is having a nicely organized key drawer. Or you can just spread them out on the floor.
(Nov. 19, 2013)

Leaves of Change

I love playing the piles of autumn leaves.
(Nov. 18, 2013)


I am ready for kickoff and for my Bears to beat the Ravens. Go Bears!
(Nov. 17, 2013)

The Meat Man

I visited the Meat Man to grab some cold cuts for my sandwiches this week. Smoked turkey is my favorite but that bacon sure looks good.
(Nov. 16, 2013)

Fever Relief

I haven't had a fever in more than six months, but this time it wasn't because of the shots. I don't have time to be sick.
(Nov. 15, 2013)

Daily Checklist

Lunch? Check. Shoes? Check. Jacket? Check. It looks like I am ready to go have some fun for the day.
(Nov. 14, 2013)


There are no free rides around this house. Since I love to sort the plastic bag drawer, they now have me separating the dirty laundry.
(Nov. 13, 2013)

Stamp of Approval

I have a lot of thank you cards to write for all of the nice gifts I received for my birthday. But the cards aren't going anywhere without one of these.
(Nov. 12, 2013)


I love to play with my ball, but not when Mom has the camera on me.
(Nov. 11, 2013)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Babies Who Brunch

It was so much fun that we were finally able to get the whole gang together for Sunday brunch. 
(Nov. 10, 2013)

Saturday Story Time

I try to hit a couple of different story times throughout the week. It is safe to say that even at this age I am a story time connoisseur. 
(Nov. 9, 2013)